【幹細胞培養上清液とは?】~What is Stem Cell Culture Supernatant?~
・ 純度が高く、安全性が保証されている。
肌のハリ・ツヤの向上:コラーゲンやエラスチンの生成を促進し、皮膚の弾力を高めます (An, Y., et al., 2021. Cell Proliferation, 54, e12993. )
シワ・たるみの改善:皮膚細胞のターンオーバーを促し、シワの軽減やリフトアップ効果が期待できます (Chernoff, G., 2021. Journal of Surgery, 6(5), 1388.)
肌の保湿力向上:肌のバリア機能を強化し、乾燥しにくい肌へ導きます (Zha, J., et al., 2022. Photodermatology, 39, 107-115.)。
薄毛・抜け毛の改善:頭皮の血流改善や毛母細胞の活性化をサポートし、発毛促進が期待されます (Li, Y., et al., 2022. Journal of Immunology Research, 2022, 7471246. )。
疲労回復・活力増強:抗炎症作用や細胞の修復促進効果により、慢性的な疲労感の軽減が期待できます (Hu, Y., et al., 2022. Die Pharmazie, 77(3), 112-117.)。
免疫力向上:免疫細胞の活性化を助け、感染症予防に寄与します (Arabpour, M., et al., 2021. International Immunopharmacology, 97, 107823.)。
炎症の抑制:慢性疾患や関節炎などの炎症を軽減する可能性があります (Shen, K., et al., 2022. Zhonghua Shao Shang Za Zhi, 38(3), 215-226.)。
神経・脳機能の改善:神経細胞の保護作用が期待され、認知機能低下の予防にも役立つ可能性があります (Hu, Y., et al., 2022. Die Pharmazie, 77(3), 112-117.)。
脂肪由来間葉系幹細胞(AMSC)由来のエクソソームは、敗血症誘発性の急性腎障害(AKI)モデルにおいて腎細胞を保護し、SIRT1経路を介して炎症や細胞死を抑制 (Gao, F., et al., 2020. Life Sciences, 117719.)。
慢性腎臓病(CKD)患者では、ノンレム睡眠の減少が観察され、睡眠の質の低下が腎機能と関連することが示された (Wang, Y., et al., 2023. Stem Cells, sxad010.)。
幹細胞由来のエクソソームは、炎症性サイトカインの抑制を通じて神経保護効果を発揮し、睡眠の質の向上に寄与する可能性がある (Cao, Q., et al., 2022. Frontiers in Medicine, 9, 816656.)。
Q. リスクやダウンタイム・副作用はありますか?
幹細胞由来のエクソソーム治療は一般的に安全と考えられていますが、稀に針穴周辺に腫れや内出血を伴う可能性があります。これは一時的なものであり、通常は数日以内に回復します (Yichen Cai, et al., 2020. Biochimie.)。
またアレルギー反応として、報告は極めて少ないものの、過去にアレルギー反応を経験した方は医師に相談してください (Zhuang, J., et al., 2022. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.)。
Q. 治療を受ける際の注意事項や禁忌などありますか?
特に、自己免疫疾患を持つ方や免疫抑制治療を受けている方は、免疫系の過剰反応や予期せぬ副作用が発生する可能性があるため、慎重な対応が必要です (Beretti, F., et al., 2018. BioFactors, 44, 158–167.)。
Q. どの程度のペースで治療を受けられますか?
個人差はありますが、多くの方は1~3回の治療で効果を実感することができます。初回治療後すぐに何らかの変化を感じる方もいますが、通常は2週間に1回のペースで治療を行い、その後は1ヵ月に1回程度の間隔でメンテナンスを続けるのが一般的です (Fayazi, N., et al., 2021. Molecular Neurobiology, 58, 3494 – 3514.)。
幹細胞培養上清液の投与ペースは、個々の状態や治療目的により異なります。一般的に、美容目的の場合は 2〜4週間ごと の施術が推奨され、慢性的な疾患の管理には 1〜3ヶ月ごと の継続的な投与が考えられます。医師と相談の上、最適なペースを決定してください。
Stem Cell Culture Supernatant (Exosome Infusion)
【What is Stem Cell Culture Supernatant?】
Stem cell culture supernatant refers to the fluid rich in exosomes, growth factors, and cytokines secreted during the culturing of stem cells. By administering this fluid to the whole body or specific areas, it is believed to promote the regeneration of weakened cells due to aging or damage, providing various benefits for beauty and health.
【Our Clinic’s Specialty: Adoption of Dental Pulp Stem Cell Culture Supernatant】
At our clinic, we use stem cell-derived supernatant obtained from Japanese baby teeth dental pulp stem cells. This choice is based on the following reasons:
High purity and guaranteed safety.
Strict testing based on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s Biological Origin Material Standards. The product is manufactured in facilities compliant with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and GCTP (Good Gene, Cell, and Tissue Practice) standards.
Comprehensive safety tests, including sterility tests (for bacteria and fungi), endotoxin tests (for toxins), mycoplasma tests (for pathogenic microorganisms), and viral exclusion tests (HBs antigen/antibody, HIV antigen/antibody, syphilis tests, etc.).
Thanks to these features, we provide high-quality treatment ensuring both safety and efficacy.
【Characteristics and Expected Benefits of Stem Cell Culture Supernatant】
Beauty & Anti-Aging Effects
Improved skin elasticity and radiance: Promotes collagen and elastin production, enhancing skin firmness. (An, Y., et al., 2021. Cell Proliferation, 54, e12993.)
Reduction of wrinkles and sagging: Stimulates skin cell turnover, reducing wrinkles and providing a lifting effect. (Chernoff, G., 2021. Journal of Surgery, 6(5), 1388.)
Enhanced skin hydration: Strengthens the skin barrier function, reducing dryness. (Zha, J., et al., 2022. Photodermatology, 39, 107-115.)
Improvement in hair thinning and hair loss: Supports scalp blood circulation and activates hair follicle cells to promote hair growth. (Li, Y., et al., 2022. Journal of Immunology Research, 2022, 7471246.)
Health & Energy Enhancement
Fatigue recovery and vitality boost: Reduces chronic fatigue through anti-inflammatory and cell repair-promoting effects. (Hu, Y., et al., 2022. Die Pharmazie, 77(3), 112-117.)
Improved immunity: Activates immune cells and contributes to infection prevention. (Arabpour, M., et al., 2021. International Immunopharmacology, 97, 107823.)
Inflammation suppression: Potentially reduces inflammation in chronic diseases and arthritis. (Shen, K., et al., 2022. Zhonghua Shao Shang Za Zhi, 38(3), 215-226.)
Enhancement of nerve and brain function: Expected to protect nerve cells and prevent cognitive decline. (Hu, Y., et al., 2022. Die Pharmazie, 77(3), 112-117.)
【Stem Cells and Kidney Health】
Recent research suggests that stem cell-derived exosomes may aid kidney function recovery. Specifically, in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and acute kidney injury (AKI), stem cell exosomes have been reported to promote kidney cell repair and reduce inflammation.
Latest Medical Evidence
Exosomes derived from adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AMSC) protect kidney cells in a sepsis-induced acute kidney injury (AKI) model by inhibiting inflammation and cell death via the SIRT1 pathway. (Gao, F., et al., 2020. Life Sciences, 117719.)
【Stem Cells and Sleep Quality】
Stem cell-derived exosomes are believed to influence the nervous system and hormonal regulation, potentially improving sleep quality. Through melatonin secretion regulation and stress hormone suppression, they may help alleviate insomnia and sleep disorders.
Latest Medical Evidence
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients exhibit reduced non-REM sleep, and poor sleep quality has been linked to kidney function. (Wang, Y., et al., 2023. Stem Cells, sxad010.)
Stem cell-derived exosomes may exert neuroprotective effects through the suppression of inflammatory cytokines, contributing to improved sleep quality. (Cao, Q., et al., 2022. Frontiers in Medicine, 9, 816656.)
【Frequently Asked Questions】
Q: Are there any risks, downtime, or side effects?
Stem cell-derived exosome therapy is generally considered safe. However, there is a rare possibility of swelling or bruising around the injection site, which is temporary and usually resolves within a few days. (Yichen Cai, et al., 2020. Biochimie.)
Additionally, while allergic reactions are extremely rare, individuals with a history of allergic responses should consult their doctor. (Zhuang, J., et al., 2022. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.)
Since human-derived components are used in this treatment, patients will not be eligible for blood donation post-treatment. It is recommended to discuss this with a physician beforehand.
Q: Are there any precautions or contraindications for receiving this treatment?
Patients who fall into the following categories may not be eligible for treatment depending on their condition and the physician’s judgment:
Individuals undergoing treatment for other medical conditions
Those with a history of allergic diseases
Individuals with drug allergies
Pregnant women
Breastfeeding women
Particularly, patients with autoimmune diseases or those receiving immunosuppressive therapy may experience excessive immune responses or unexpected side effects, requiring careful consideration. (Beretti, F., et al., 2018. BioFactors, 44, 158–167.)
Q: How frequently can I receive this treatment?
While individual results vary, many patients report visible effects after 1–3 sessions. Some experience immediate changes after the first treatment, but typically, sessions are conducted every two weeks initially, followed by maintenance treatments every month. (Fayazi, N., et al., 2021. Molecular Neurobiology, 58, 3494 – 3514.)
The frequency of stem cell culture supernatant infusion depends on individual conditions and treatment objectives. For aesthetic purposes, sessions are generally recommended every 2–4 weeks, while for managing chronic conditions, ongoing treatments at intervals of 1–3 months may be considered. Consult with your physician to determine the optimal schedule.
Additionally, the products used in this treatment are unapproved pharmaceuticals under Japanese pharmaceutical law. They are legally formulated as in-house preparations (with partial outsourcing), and their use in Japan is permitted under the physician’s responsibility.